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Showing posts from January, 2018

Accept Who You Are!

Accepting who you are is one of the hardest things for people to do. And in some instances its hard for other people to understand why and how you were able to accept what happened to you. You will not be able to succeed and become resilient if you don't accept your story. You must accept your story in order to heal and grow. Danielle Bernock made this statement "Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams can healing begin." IF you continue to ignore what happened to you then it will continue to hurt you, it will exhaust you daily and you will always want to get out. Once you accept that it happened and that no matter what you can't change you, you can finally heal. You must come to peace with what happened and accept it. People ask me all the time how I can, not only accept what happe

5 Things You Don't Know About Me; 3 words I'd use to describe myself

Today's post is going to be all about letting y'all know a little about me. Not my past, not struggles, not tips. Just simply to learn more about me. Here is 5 things you don't know about me 1. I use to be a beauty queen. I have won so many pageants (I have a case of all of the crowns and trophies). I quit after I started college.  2. I am in college to become an American Sign Language Interpreter.  3. I'm an avid reader. I love, love, love reading. I can read anything from fiction, to fantasy, to true stories. It doesn't matter, I love to read.  4. I have a HUGE love for fuzzy blankets. When my anxiety and depression starts acting up I love to take a fuzzy blanket and curl up in it. It makes me feel safe and comforted.  5. I have 5 tattoo's. My first was a tulip with the stem being the date my step-mom adopted me. My second is an infinity with the word Resilient, a feather, and some birds. My third is a cross on my wrist. My fourth is th

New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  I want to start by saying thank you all for supporting me and this blog, I could not get far without y'all. Today, in the spirit of new year, I am going to discuss new years resolutions. I have two specific ones this year! My first is my most important resolution. I want to get stronger in my Faith and in my walk with God. As a Christian I am well aware, and not afraid to admit, that I fail many times in my walk with God. I allow life to "take over" and put other things ahead of what should be first. I'm not afraid to admit that and I know that God loves me anyways. But I don't want to be lukewarm Christian. I want to be someone that when people look at me they see God in me. I want to make people want to learn about God because they see the amazing things He is doing and has done in my life. So how do I plan on doing that? First, I plan on going to church every Sunday. It's so easy to choose to sleep in than to get up and get rea