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Showing posts from September, 2018

The importance of Loving Yourself

Loving yourself is possibly the hardest thing to do in this day and age. We are constantly seeing what we should look and act like that it becomes a disappointment in ourselves when we aren't that way. We see it through the media and we even see it through what others tell us. Everything we see in the world today clouds and influences our view of ourselves. But it's time to stop. It's time to love yourself. Self-love is a combination self-acceptance and self-awareness as well as respecting yourself and showing kindness to yourself. So why is it important to love yourself? Here is 4 reasons why I believe loving yourself is important. There are many many more than just these but these are 4 that I find very important. 1. You need to love yourself in order to accept yourself.  I live with anxiety and depression. It's super hard to maintain relationships (both friendly and romantically) with these not just because of your anxiety to the whole thing but because of their


Hey guys! I'm so sorry I have not posted lately. I'll give y'all a little update before I tell y'all my little reminder that I learned from my own situation and still try to remember everyday. So I am finally in practicum/internship! I have one year left of college and then I'm free to adult (yay...I think haha). But I've had a lot happen within the past months that has kept me quite busy. The biggest thing is I'M GETTING MARRIED! On December 15th I will no longer be Miss Kidd but Mrs. Hughes! I've been staying very busy trying to get the wedding planned as well as working on finishing up school. Now on to the important reminder....YOU determine your success, NOT your past, NOT your experiences, and NOT another person. I get that sometimes it is hard to remember that, especially on the hard days. I have days that I just want to give up but I remember that my success is determined only by me. I will only get as far in life as I allow myself. There wil