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The importance of Loving Yourself

Loving yourself is possibly the hardest thing to do in this day and age. We are constantly seeing what we should look and act like that it becomes a disappointment in ourselves when we aren't that way. We see it through the media and we even see it through what others tell us. Everything we see in the world today clouds and influences our view of ourselves. But it's time to stop. It's time to love yourself. Self-love is a combination self-acceptance and self-awareness as well as respecting yourself and showing kindness to yourself.
So why is it important to love yourself? Here is 4 reasons why I believe loving yourself is important. There are many many more than just these but these are 4 that I find very important.

1. You need to love yourself in order to accept yourself. 
I live with anxiety and depression. It's super hard to maintain relationships (both friendly and romantically) with these not just because of your anxiety to the whole thing but because of their view of it. I was told once (by an ex) that "Dealing with my anxiety/depression is just to much work" and let me tell you, that got me down a lot. But I can't help my anxiety and depression. I can't help what happened to me as a child and how it affected me. I learned to love myself and in that accept who I am. To accept my anxiety, to accept my depression and while that hasn't made me better it has helped me learn to cope with them easier.

2. When you love yourself your view of the world changes. 
Cliche right? Well it's true. This world is negative and horrible but when you love yourself you become happy and when you become happy you look at the positive things in the world as well. Your perspective changes.

3. Self-love attracts love. 
You may not find love right away, it may take a while. But by loving yourself you will find someone who loves you for you. I sucked at picking a guy. I always ended up with one who talked bad about my anxiety/depression or who wanted me to not talk about it at all. I ended up keeping it to myself and letting it build up and build up until I became even more depressed. I finally decided to accept myself and love myself. I decided that I am who I am and honestly I wouldn't change a thing and then I found my fiancé. He knows I have severe anxiety, he knows I have depression and it doesn't matter to him. The days my anxiety and/or depression act up are the days that he loves me harder. He's learned what helps me when they act up and that's what he does. He wraps me up in my fuzzy blanket, he brings me dog, he holds me tighter, and he does all of it without once telling me that I'm a problem or that I make him miserable. He helps me through my anxiety and my depression and his love for me doesn't change a bit.

4. Self-love teaches you self-worth
By loving yourself you learn to see your worth. You learn to see that you are important and therefore you do what you need to do for yourself. You won't let anything define who you are, not a person, not a career, not your past. I've seen, in many cases, a person doing what other people want and not what they need for themselves. While doing for others is a good quality to have it can also be taken advantage of and sometimes not even on purpose. It's important to recognize your self-worth and importance so that you can step back and choose what you need. There is quote from Grey's Anatomy by Christina Yang when she says "Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He's very dreamy but he's not the sun. You are." You are your own sun. Take time and do what you need for yourself. Take care of yourself.

You must remember that loving yourself isn't vanity, it is essential to your sanity, your well-being and to your future. You must work on being in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is still standing. By loving yourself you will find what you need in life. It won't be easy but you will realize that it is 100% possible.

"If you want to soar in life, you must first learn to F. L.Y (First Love Yourself)" ~ Mark Sterling 

Image result for if you want to soar you must learn to F.L.Y.


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