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Showing posts from May, 2019

Take that day, but don't give up!

We all know those times where you are so down you just can't get up again and everything else seems to be going wrong also and that makes you get even more happens I get it. And I get when that happens it feels like giving up is the only option. Now I don't mean suicide, when I say give up I mean just stop fighting to achieve whatever it is or to just not care. But giving up is not the only option. I read the best thing the other day on facebook, this person said 'Giving up may seem like the best way to go but it's not. If you have to give up, give up today. Sit down, binge watch Hulu or Netflix and gorge yourself on junk food. Start over tomorrow and try again.' That! That statement hit me hard and it reminded of something I once read on pinterest that said 'Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was just breathe.' I get it. Anxiety and depression are terrible things and everyday you are struggling against it. I get it! Sometimes