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Showing posts from February, 2019

Perspective: "Some see a weed, others see a wish"

We all know the saying about whether the glass is half full or half empty and we are always told to look at things from other perspectives. Well, that's exactly what this blog post will be about. This world is full of evil and evil-doers and while I wish all of these bad things would never occur they do,  keep in mind while reading this I am not saying it's something that should be accepted, I'm simply talking about my personally perspective about MY situation and about general situations. I've learned that by changing your perspective, your life changes. You become happier and the small failures don't become overwhelming to you as they would have before. It doesn't make life perfect and it won't mean you won't have bad times or be depressed at times, but it does a lot more than people give it credit for. Theres a quote that comes up a lot that says "If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you look at

Don't Give Them the Satisfaction

We all know what rejection feels I don't mean getting turned from a guy or girl, I mean the rejection of being told you can't or maybe you won't be good at it, or anything else related those. So what I am about to tell you is super important....are you ready?? Don't give them the satisfaction! It's hard to keep going when you are told you can't do something or that you won't be good at something, but don't give the person the satisfaction of you quitting no matter what. Now, I'm not saying that every person who tells you that you won't be able to do something is meaning it in a cruel or malicious intent in mind, the person could just have your best interest in mind but still don't let them tell you what you have the ability to do. It's tough, trust me I know. When someone tells me I won't be good at something, will have a hard time with something, or that I just don't have the skills it hurts and it's hard to not gi