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Showing posts from July, 2017

Security Blankets (Symbols)

With all of the battles I face because of what has happened to me it is obvious that I would cling to different things to help get me through the day, Security blanket we could call them. These different things are what I have found comfort in throughout the years and continue to find comfort in them today. There are three main ones that I will discuss in this blog post.       Cinderella is my first security blanket; makes sense since this is called "My Cinderella Story." I find connection through the fairy-tale because she went through her own little hell and came out resilient, and not to mention as a princess. Cinderella's step-family, the 'villains' of the story did everything they could to tear her down. They used her and abused her, but with her fairy godmother she was able to become resilient and get through everything. I had stated before that I wouldn't take back what happened no matter how bad my days get because it lead me to become who I am to

How do I still believe in God?

A lot of people ask me how I can still believe in God when all of that happened to me when I was younger. So how do I? I’ll explain.  First, People all the time come back with “If God really existed then why would things like that happen in the first place?” Well the answer is this: The devil. We must first remember that Christ also suffered when He was on this earth. HE was beaten, persecuted, and crucified by evil people in this world. By one of his closest people, his own disciple, he was betrayed. That is the first thing that people must remember. The devil has his hold on evil people.  In John 16:33 Jesus tells us that we are going to have suffering, no matter what form it comes in: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” God gave us the opportunity to live in the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve took it unto their own decision, by influence of the devi

Trust or Not to Trust.

For people who have been through what I have it is easy to understand that we have a problem with trust. What makes things worse is living in a world where people don't give you reason to trust them. It is so easy for people to lie now a days, we live in a world where the internet makes it even easier. People do things and make choices based off what will please them. This is why I have a hard a time trusting. I'm going to give y'all some examples on to why people make this already hard situation even worse. One guy I use to date was the worlds worst liar. He would lie over things that really had no point. After catching him in many lies it would be expected that I couldn't trust him and as assumed it would make me even more nervous toward trusting guys. This guy had done everything right, treated me like a princess and would've been the ideal guy...if it wasn't for the lies. I dated this guy, we were together for over two years. This was the "perfect guy

I Have, I Am, I Can

There are three small statements that I have learned to rely and live on. I go back to these three statements when I need to encourage myself and remind myself that: I AM RESILIENT. These statements are I Have, I Am, and I Can. These three 'mini statements' help me get through any rough day that I have and here are what they mean to me (This post will be mostly in list form). I Have is reminder of everything I am blessed to have in my life. I HAVE: People around me that I trust and who love me  People who set limits for me.  People who show me how to act by the way the act.  People who help me do things on my own.  People who support me and my goals.  By having these people, family and friends, who do all these things and more for me I am able to get on a healthy path. I am therefore able to have people who can help me when times get hard on me.  I Am is quite obvious, it's a reminder of who I am as a person.  I AM:  A person people can like A pe