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Security Blankets (Symbols)

With all of the battles I face because of what has happened to me it is obvious that I would cling to different things to help get me through the day, Security blanket we could call them. These different things are what I have found comfort in throughout the years and continue to find comfort in them today. There are three main ones that I will discuss in this blog post.

     Cinderella is my first security blanket; makes sense since this is called "My Cinderella Story." I find connection through the fairy-tale because she went through her own little hell and came out resilient, and not to mention as a princess. Cinderella's step-family, the 'villains' of the story did everything they could to tear her down. They used her and abused her, but with her fairy godmother she was able to become resilient and get through everything. I had stated before that I wouldn't take back what happened no matter how bad my days get because it lead me to become who I am today; this reminds me of a question I've seen many times about Cinderella..."If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, then why did it fall off?" In the end if her shoe wouldn't have fell off the prince would never have been able to find her and get her out of her step-mothers grasp. It is a reminder that yes bad times come but sometimes they have to happen in order to get us to the place we belong. 

      Elephants are another thing that I find security and comfort in. If any of you seen my house you will see elephant statues everywhere. Elephants are big, beautiful, majestic, loving, and powerful creatures. Elephants have been known to be caring and sensitive mammals and never forget what happened in the past; they will morn the death of a loved one, they will console one another, and they have also been known to have PTSD same as a human. While the statues, stuffed animals, and pictures of the elephants are not the actual mammal they bring me comfort by reminding me that I need to allow myself to continue moving forward and be resilient the same as this beautiful majestic animal that God created. 

     My last security blanket is one of mythology; the Phoenix. For those of you unaware of what the phoenix is I will give a short description. The phoenix is a mythical bird that lives for hundreds of years and dies by bursting into flames but from the phoenix's ashes the bird reemerges to start a new and long life. The phoenix has been  known to symbolize many different things including Resurrection and, what I connect it with, resilience. When things get difficult I remind myself of the phoenix, how she dies by her own flame but will be reborn out of those ashes. Janet Fitch stated that "The phoenix must burn to emerge" which reminds me that things will try and tear me down, days will get hard but out of those hard days I come back stronger, wiser and with a more powerful will than I had before. 

Each of these symbols help me when things get rough. They are a constant reminder that I can get through anything that is thrown my way. No matter what I will come back stronger and with a will to never give up. While to each of you these symbols may be meaningless to me they have comfort and a security that reminds me daily of the goals that I have set for myself. They help me to continue to be resilient even when I feel like everything is weighing on me.

Image result for elephantImage result for cinderella


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