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Showing posts from June, 2017


One thing that people don't understand is the fact that I forgave my step father. Yes, you read that correctly. I forgave him. But just because I forgave him it doesn't mean I forgot; I suffer from PTSD, I have nightmares, I have bad days but I forgave him. You ask why? I had to do it for me. I needed to forgive him because by forgiving him I released my anger, my hatred, and my bitterness. This does not mean I have accepted his presence into my life or ANYWHERE near me; I definitely have not, but I did forgive him. To do this I knew it would take Prayer and God like love and mercy. So where do I go? My Bible;Ephesians 4:31-32 is my go to forgiveness verses. Though there are plenty of other spots in the Bible that speak on this these specific verses have always been my first to read when I need reminding.  Ephesians 4:31-32 (KJV)      Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and glamour  and evil speaking, be put     away  from you, with all malice:      And be ye kind on

Stress, Stress, and more Stress!

So I went to the Dr. today and do you know what her response to me was? That I am literally stressing myself sick. Everyone stresses, that's nothing new, but for someone with anxiety like me the simplest off things become the biggest stressors. There are things that I stress about that most people my age won't even think twice about and it's not something I can't just get over. I hear people all the time say: "Stressing won't change the outcome so stop stressing so much" well in all honesty if it were that easy don't you think I already would have? For someone with an anxiety disorder getting over something could be nearly impossible, nearly. A person with anxiety can sometimes feel like a person is leaving forever when in reality all the other person is doing is going to the grocery store. We over think every little thing and there is no possible way of shutting your brain off. So what kind of things go through my mind when I am stressing? Let's

My Story Begins

My story is one that people around my community do not know, in fact the majority of even my friends are unaware. This is my way of getting this out, my way of letting people know and understand, and to Share the Glass Slipper ! There were times in high school that probably would have been a lot smoother had the teachers, staff, and students knew why I was the way I was. They didn't understand why I would prefer to have my nose in a book than to communicate with my classmates. This is my story, the one that has been told to very few people, aside from the strangers in my Washington DC presentation. From the time I was born until I was almost four I lived with my biological mother. During this time my 'first step-father' and mother moved me and my sisters from Alabama to Mississippi, away from my Father. My story begins, however, when my mother and 'first step-father' divorced and she moved in with another man. So now you ask what happened? During a visitation wit

This Blog's Purpose

This blog deals with the journey to become resilient. This blog will go along with my personal story and my journey, both past and present. This blog is called "Sharing the Glass Slipper" because I am using it to help others in similar to same situations as I had; To help people who have anxiety, depression, PTSD, and any other related illness to due to traumatic events in their life no matter what that event is. I am doing this so that maybe my story can touch someone else and help them become resilient also.  This is to let people know that just because you are resilient doesn't mean you won't have bad days. Bad days will still find you but it is how you deal with those days and where you go from there that shows how resilient you are. "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today" - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.