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This Blog's Purpose

This blog deals with the journey to become resilient. This blog will go along with my personal story and my journey, both past and present. This blog is called "Sharing the Glass Slipper" because I am using it to help others in similar to same situations as I had; To help people who have anxiety, depression, PTSD, and any other related illness to due to traumatic events in their life no matter what that event is. I am doing this so that maybe my story can touch someone else and help them become resilient also.  This is to let people know that just because you are resilient doesn't mean you won't have bad days. Bad days will still find you but it is how you deal with those days and where you go from there that shows how resilient you are.

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today" - H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 


  1. I love this!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I've got so much respect for you that you are able to use what horrible things happened to help others. You are a survivor of crime that is beyond disheartening, and so brave to write and openly talk about it. You are a hero! God bless your father and step-MoM for fighting for your life and rights, and bringing you to safety to show you the love every child deserves.


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