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Finding the right guy.

Being a woman with a past like mine, finding the "right guy" is tough. Every girl wants that fairy-tale love and in reality with people like us, that just doesn't happen. Not quite the way we expect anyways. But I finally found it. It's not a fairy-tale, for either of us. To be the right guy for for people like me, you must be strong enough to love me no matter what. I have found that guy. The guy that will sit and hold me when I have a random panic attack because I heard a loud noise. The guy that will randomly call me to help through a bad dream or just a bad day. The guy that works night but will still come over early the following morning if I had a bad dream/night just so he can sit with me and help me feel better. The guy that will sit while I fuss about unimportant things because I'm having a rough time dealing with everything. The guy that knows that I don't trust easily but he still took a chance on me and works everyday to help me trust and love him. The guy that puts my fears to rest and even though he doesn't KNOW exactly how I'm feeling, because he didn't go through it, he understands me and is there for me no matter what. He doesn't expect anything from me. He has learned my body language and has now gotten to the point, only at 8 months (almost 9), where he knows what  kind of day I'm having and whats going through my mind before I even tell him. He has learned, subconsciously, to change his demeanor and word choices just to make things easier on me. He knows he doesn't have to, I've dated guys who would just tell em to get over it, but instead he works with me because he loves me. THAT'S what the right guy will do. He will love you despite your "problems" and will learn what to do when these things arise. And he will do it without you asking him to; he does it because he loves you. 
It took me a while to notice the little things he was doing for me. How he could tell when something was wrong and would change the way he chose his words just so nothing got worse. It took me a while to notice these things. He didn't do it to get credit for doing it like most guys; he did it because he loved me and wanted things to be better for me. 
I've noticed these things now. Knowing he has done this and continues to do this without expecting me to give him credit for it, makes me fall in love with him more and more. I know that if I have a bad dream I can call him up and talk to him about it. Or if I have one of those super ridiculous fears pop up that is beyond stupid but I can't shake, I know I can call him and he wont think I'm crazy and criticize me. 
We still have our ups and downs, like I said this isn't a fairy-tale. We fight, we disagree, and sometimes we are just on completely opposite pages of the book; but I know that no matter what he is there for me. To help me through my bad days and to walk beside me on my good days. He is my Mr. Right! 

"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." -Sam Keen 


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