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Fight Like a Girl

I wanna use this post to talk about/raise awareness on something extremely important and it is fitting considering March is an awareness month for it; something that affects many women worldwide. Endometriosis.
So what is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (located inside of the uterus) is found elsewhere in the body ( Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women and yet is rarely talked about. I am one of the 1 in 10. It is estimated to affect 176 million worldwide ( The most common system is severe pelvic pain/cramps. The pain is not just "severe cramps during our menstrual cycle" our cramps can and do occur at times unrelated to our cycle though it does make our cycles more painful. Endometriosis has no cure.

Living with Endo is tough because most people don't understand it. One minute you can be perfectly fine and then you're hurting so bad that you can barely move and that pain will last for days before it goes away. You fight with the pain, nausea, and fatigue from sleepless nights. You take medicine just hoping it will help and it rarely does and if it does it helps for just a short time. We have pain most days though most people won't know it. We only show it when it gets really bad but the really bad is more often than not so people see us as 'hypercondriacts' though we do our best not to show when we hurt. We don't want sympathy, we aren't lazy, we aren't just wanting drugs and we aren't wanting attention. We didn't ask for this.

As of right now researchers/doctors have no idea what causes end and there is no cure. But we can raise awareness. This is what they call an "invisible disease" you can't see it but we can feel it. It is a chronic illness.

Why do I tell y'all this? For a couple different reasons. 1. I know someone reading this knows someone living with endometriosis or maybe themselves are living with it. 2. Because we NEED to raise awareness to this silent illness. 3 Because I'm not ashamed of my illness. No-one should be ashamed of laying down and not moving when they have a flare up. I feel there is so much negativity toward endometriosis and the affects it has on woman (the pain and wanting to not move). We need to break this stigma.

If you know someone being affected by endometriosis let them you know you care. Be understanding when they are in pain and when they don't want to move. Fighting Endo is exhausting; you are fighting your own body. Be there for them.

If you are fighting Endo. Know that you are not alone!! And remember that you are a strong force to be reckoned with! Don't let Endometriosis dull your sparkle!! Fight like a girl!!

If you wan too read more about Endo go to

Image result for endometriosis awareness


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