This quote was said at church on Sunday and it really got me thinking, it really isn't the change part is it? I hate change, thats what I've always said. I dread change before change happens. Except thats really not the case. Going to college was a change, getting married was a change, having baby was a change. All three of those things were choices I made and I was beyond happy about those changes. So do I really hate change?
The preacher went on to say how we are hating the COVID guidelines and mandates (just examples) but then he pointed out that while we hate those things we love the changes that we choose. Because its not the change we hate but how people make us change. The choices we don't make ourselves or even when they are negative in some way. Just like a demotion vs. a promotion. We love the change when its a promotion but hate change when its a demotion. We don't want to be made to change.
It makes complete sense. This is something I had never really thought about and it's something that is beyond true. Change is gonna happen. We may fuss and moan and groan but its gonna happen. WE just don't want to be made to change. SO let's shift our focus. Yeah there's those words again. Shift our focus to something more. Stop fighting the change and see what could come out of it. Change is gonna happen. Do we really want to grumble through it? Change is gonna happen but you get to decide your actions post change and you get to decide your attitude toward it.
This world is changing so fast! If we stop grumbling and feeling sorry for ourselves, if we stop fighting it then perhaps we can change it for the better. Guide it to a positive change instead of a negative change. We are not going to fix anything if we grumble about it. Change is inevitable. Change is life.
Nothing will change if nothing changes.
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