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Showing posts from 2019

Embracing Imperfection ~ Scars

There are many different posts I can make about "Embracing Imperfection" that's why I added a part to the title regarding this specific post Scars . We all can recognize what an external scar on the skin is; we've all fallen a few times and gotten a scrape that turns into a scar, in some cases the scar fades over time and in other cases they don't. But no-one really takes into account our internal scarring...why is that? Now I don't mean literally inside our body like scar tissue from a surgery, I mean our emotional scarring. The scarring that is so evidently present to us but no-one else sees it. If you take a look at the definition of a scar (just a scar in general) it, of course goes over other details but it also says that it is the process of wound repair and that it is a natural occurrence in the healing process . Let me repeat is the process of wound repair and a natural occurrence in the healing process. What is the difference in that defi

A Dog's Love

Let's be honest, this post is going is slightly cheesy and most people will think it is ridiculous and I am perfectly okay with that. This post is about my dog Sophie. Yeah, I get you're starting to think 'what in the heck' but just bare with me. From a young age I remember hearing people talk about that 'incredible bond' they had with their pet, and my little sister even has an incredible bond with hers. I've had pets almost my whole life, from cats to dogs, to horses, rabbits, goats and more. But I could never understand that bond you hear so much about. I mean yes I loved my pets and they loved me but it wasn't a give all bond. But from the moment I got Sophie I felt it. (Like I said cheesy right?) I actually found Sophie on facebook, I follow a pet store on there that is close to my home. She was so tiny and gorgeous and I just felt this want for her. I called my mom (she works in the town that the pet store was at) and I asked her to please go get

Update and Top 5 Favorite books!

I told you guys that I would be honest. That I was going to let you guys follow my journey (past, present and future) through both the good and the bad and I have told y'all to not be ashamed of the bad times but yet I haven't owned my own feelings lately.  So here is that update I should have done months ago. I have been struggling. My depression has had be really down and I honestly didn't even recognize it. I started sleeping, a lot, and just not wanting to do anything. I even stopped reading which, for me, is a big indicator that something is wrong. I have had a lot going on. I have one more class i need to take so I didn't graduate when I was supposed to, my endometriosis has been flaring up and while my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant it's not happening as quick as I would have liked. I am finally admitting that my depression has been bad lately and I finally talked with someone yesterday. We have decided to get back with my primary doctor (beca

Take that day, but don't give up!

We all know those times where you are so down you just can't get up again and everything else seems to be going wrong also and that makes you get even more happens I get it. And I get when that happens it feels like giving up is the only option. Now I don't mean suicide, when I say give up I mean just stop fighting to achieve whatever it is or to just not care. But giving up is not the only option. I read the best thing the other day on facebook, this person said 'Giving up may seem like the best way to go but it's not. If you have to give up, give up today. Sit down, binge watch Hulu or Netflix and gorge yourself on junk food. Start over tomorrow and try again.' That! That statement hit me hard and it reminded of something I once read on pinterest that said 'Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was just breathe.' I get it. Anxiety and depression are terrible things and everyday you are struggling against it. I get it! Sometimes

The Brains physical change through trauma

We all hate that feeling of forgetfulness, and sadly those of us who have experience trauma are extremely familiar with this dreadful feeling because it happens all too often. We get frustrated with ourselves because we can't remember the simplest things, which also then adds to both the anxiety and depression. It is a constant never ending circle. We also hate that numb feeling, or the feeling that you just can't think, and even the feeling of exhaustion because you feel like you are constantly triggered!  But what you may not know is that all of these struggles is actually a direct link toward the trauma experienced. The brain is a complex thing and within the brain it has different sections that does specific things, the three most affected areas after trauma is the Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Prefrontal Cortex; we are going to take a look into how these are affected by trauma.  The hippocampus is a small formation in the brain that is directly involved with storing and r

Perspective: "Some see a weed, others see a wish"

We all know the saying about whether the glass is half full or half empty and we are always told to look at things from other perspectives. Well, that's exactly what this blog post will be about. This world is full of evil and evil-doers and while I wish all of these bad things would never occur they do,  keep in mind while reading this I am not saying it's something that should be accepted, I'm simply talking about my personally perspective about MY situation and about general situations. I've learned that by changing your perspective, your life changes. You become happier and the small failures don't become overwhelming to you as they would have before. It doesn't make life perfect and it won't mean you won't have bad times or be depressed at times, but it does a lot more than people give it credit for. Theres a quote that comes up a lot that says "If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you look at

Don't Give Them the Satisfaction

We all know what rejection feels I don't mean getting turned from a guy or girl, I mean the rejection of being told you can't or maybe you won't be good at it, or anything else related those. So what I am about to tell you is super important....are you ready?? Don't give them the satisfaction! It's hard to keep going when you are told you can't do something or that you won't be good at something, but don't give the person the satisfaction of you quitting no matter what. Now, I'm not saying that every person who tells you that you won't be able to do something is meaning it in a cruel or malicious intent in mind, the person could just have your best interest in mind but still don't let them tell you what you have the ability to do. It's tough, trust me I know. When someone tells me I won't be good at something, will have a hard time with something, or that I just don't have the skills it hurts and it's hard to not gi


"Your success and happiness lies in you." - Helen Keller Let's take a look at success. What is success? How is success measured? What does it mean to succeed? While you can find many definitions of success, the one that I stand by is that it is "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose." In other words: it is when you reach your goal. Your goals can be short term, long term, simple or complex. It is YOUR goals, what YOU want to accomplish, not what someone else wants you to accomplish. This leads into the question of how is success measured. Most people think that success is when you 'get to the top' or when you 'have money' or even when you graduate college and get a degree. Most of the time it's seen as something "high up" but what is important to remember is that your success is measured by you, it is achieving your own goal that you set for yourself no matter how big or small. I have what I consider "big" goals tha